The benefits of adding Co-hosts to your Facebook event

Jason @EtchRock

As an event organiser you’re probably already aware about the importance of using Facebook events. With 700 million people using Facebook events each month to market their events, and 35 million people viewing a public event each day on Facebook, it’s a no brainer. But are you making the most of your Facebook events by adding multiple co-hosts? 

So first what exactly is a Facebook event co-host?

On Facebook, co-hosting simply means that an Event page appears attached to the Facebook pages of each of the co-hosts who accept the request to co-host. (A co-host can Decline or simply ignore the request.) There is no investment of time or effort in Facebook co-hosting. But note: Anyone who is a co-host can modify the event which could make it easier to keep up-to-date. Check out an example of an event here with 3 additional hosts.

What are the benefits of adding Facebook co-hosts to your event? 

Hosting events with brands that have an established Facebook presence is a great way to grow your own following. Asking other organisers or promoters to add your event to their page calendars so that their audiences can discover your event is a great way to make your event more visible. Once a few people are listed as attendees, the event can spread organically.

How to add a Facebook host?

When you create an event, you’re automatically listed as the host. Only the event host can add more hosts to their event. Hosts and co-hosts can invite people to an event and edit event details.To add a co-host:

1) Click Edit at the top right of the event.

2) Below Edit an Event, scroll down to click Add Co-Hosts. Type a friend’s name or Page’s name. You must be friends on Facebook to add someone as a co-host.

3) Click Save, then click Update at the bottom.

we’re here to help!

If you have any other questions related to your events, promoting events or anything else, please feel free to get in touch with one of our team or contact me directly at

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