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There is still time to do some Christmas Marketing!
With Christmas right around the corner, you may have thought that you have missed the boat on doing some Christmas Marketing. But have no fear, there is still time to get involved and take advantage of the festive season!
By now, we’re sure you have seen your fair share of Christmas ads on TV. Notice something similar about them all? They all have some sort of emotional element. Christmas is the season of giving after all and in recent memory, most brands have honed in on this.
Whilst you don’t have to create a huge budget ad, you can use some of the concepts that the big brands use in your own Christmas marketing. Gavin Hammar of Sendible gives a great summary by explaining, “The key ingredient is sharing a human moment that anyone can relate to. Since people are in the spirit of giving, they are more likely to hand over their cash, if they feel a sense of connection with your brand.”
Here are 5 ideas that can you can get started on in time for some last minute Christmas Marketing.
Personal touch
In spirit of giving, why not use this opportunity to highlight some of your most valuable customers? You can use do this in a variety of ways including announcing their loyalty on social media. In lieu of this, write a personalised card to your biggest customers thanking them for support.
A little personal touch can often go a long way in developing loyalty and gives the customer a little reminder that their custom has not gone unnoticed.
Gift giving
In the month of December, consumers are more ready than ever to put their hand in their pocket if the price is right for a gift for someone else. Instead of focusing your Christmas marketing on selling more products to your usual audience, reposition your strategy to target them as ‘gifts’ for others.
As Christmas edges closer, last minute shoppers are always looking to grab a bargain for their loved ones. Use the ‘gift’ angle in your marketing and position your product as a present for another person rather than the viewer themselves.
Discount friendly
This one may be a given, but it is important nonetheless. Use time limited vouchers to create a sense of urgency among your potential customers. This is especially true in the build up to Christmas where people are typically much more willing to purchase quickly.
Another concept to try, instead of giving a percentage discount, give them a gift voucher instead. According to studies by the National Retail Association, 61% of gift card holders spend more than the total value of the gift card. If people perceive that they have already made progress towards a goal, they are more likely to take steps to complete it.
Make sure you keep up with the competition with your Christmas marketing and come up with an offer to entice new and existing customers.
Host competitions
To go with the theme of giving, competitions are a fantastic way to drive engagement and sales. Competitions can increase your followers and give your audience something to get involved in, but also a well thought-out competition can considerably push awareness of your brand further.
Some examples of prizes for competitions that you can host include a behind the scenes tour, tickets to the next event or branded products. Check out ViralSweep and some of their amazing features that help to expand your reach and engagement when it comes to hosting competitions.
Get creative
Christmas is a time where brands can really get creative and marketers can ‘spread their wings’. Use this opportunity to showcase other sides of your business and that you too are getting the Christmas spirit.
Snapchat and Instagram are great visual platforms that can give your business another layer. Show people what you’re up to and give them a transparent look at what is going on inside your company during the holidays.
Add new elements to your logo or branding to reflect the season. A little switch up in your creative can be a great talking point amongst your fans. Whilst this may not be able to give you measurable results, it’s always nice to see brands embracing the Christmas spirit!
These are just a few ideas to help you boost your Christmas marketing. There is still time to come up with a last minute campaign that can not only help you in the short term, but also position yourself for a great 2017!
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