Ben Pollard
Ben Pollard

Etch Rock took me on as a Key Challenger and I can't thank them enough for being a huge support and for providing a platform for everyone to show case what they love. 

I am now a committed gym goer, I train 5/6 times a week and love every aspect of it, the commitment, having to be determined and love to help others along the way. I train at Tru Gym Bromley and have a personal trainer once a week. Thanks to Etch Rock and others along the way I went from been very inactive to been very active. I've completed obstacle course races, running and walking challenges and love the way my training is going. I'm not training for anything specific at the moment but train because I want to better myself and because i enjoy it. 

Ben Pollard Ben Pollard
Ben Pollard

Ben Pollard

London, United Kingdom

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