When they do their posts will show up here.
, United Kingdom
What We Do And Why
As the registered charity for Northampton General Hospital (NGH), Kettering General Hospital (KGH) and the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), our mission is to make things better for patients, their families and staff . We provide funding for equipment, research, training and all of those extras that help to comfort people when in hospital.
Donated £10.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
18.09.2023 |
Carol Fraser
Donated £10.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
17.09.2023 |
Mark cox
Donated £10.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
17.09.2023 |
Donated £10.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
10.09.2023 |
Celia Barker
Donated £10.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
07.09.2023 |
Ross Wallace
Donated £20.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
29.08.2023 |
Rita Beattie
Donated £20.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
16.08.2023 |
Vicki Robertson
Donated £20.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
14.08.2023 |
Nigel Cox
Donated £20.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
14.08.2023 |
Lorraine Drury
Donated £20.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
13.08.2023 |
Donated £50.00 to Raise money for the Northamptonshire Health Charity
13.08.2023 |