raised from 1 supporters
Darren Ryan - lifeline coaching and mentoring
raised from 1 supporters
Darren Ryan - lifeline coaching and mentoring
Fundraising for PTSD999 in partnership with Darren Ryan - lifeline coaching and mentoring


In life some people don’t need you to Preach a Sermon they need you to Live one. Inky Johnson -MotiversityI will be walking up Ben Nevis with a few friends on Saturday 8th October 2022. I have chosen to help raise money for PTSD999, a charity close to my heart.In October 2020 I was serving Detective Inspector investigating some of the most serious and complex crimes. After years of dealing with traumatic incidents one finally came back to haunt me. I struggled to eat or sleep, my wife told me to ask for help but I did not know how. It is others that ask the police for help and not the other way around. After two weeks of little or no sleep, I contemplated if it was it easier to not be here at all, these thoughts scared me, I did not recognise myself. I had reached Crisis point and had a nervous breakdown. I called a close friend who said, “Darren, it’s ok to ask for help mate". He was my lifeline and brought me to the doctors. From here my journey began, the two years that followed have been the toughest of my life. I sought help and was later diagnosed with PTSD from child abuse investigations 6 years prior. A therapy known as EMDR was used, it helped to save my life; it helped me to move the traumatic images I would see up to 50 times per day, it helped me identify my triggers and gave me coping strategies. I can now live a far happier, healthier and more present life with my family, friends and most importantly my wife and children. Take care and please know asking for help is not a sign of weakness it takes enormous courage; I only wish I had had the courage to act sooner before I became seriously ill.Since meeting Gary, one of the co-founders of PTSD999, we have become close friends. Gary’s help, kindness and support has helped with my long-term recovery and that of my twin brother who has just been medically retired from London Fire Brigade with severe PTSD after 21 years of service.





Charity Registration No. 10622791
£1145 - Raised by 41 Supporter
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