Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled
Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled

The Brigg Bomber is organised by members of LincsQuad (Lincolnshire Quadrathlon Club) and consists of a 1.5k river swim, 38k bike, 7k kayak & 10k run.

For 2020 the World Quadrathlon Federation (WQF) has awarded LincsQuad the Middle Distance European Championships which will form part of the WQF World Cup series.  The club is once again proud to have been chosen to host an international event on behalf of the WQF and is looking forward to welcoming athletes from across the world.

Previously the Brigg Bomber has hosted the British Quadrathlon Championships, the European Quadrathlon Championships, World Cup rounds and the 2014 & 2019 World Championships. Now is your chance to race the world championship course.

Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled
Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled
Keyo Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon - Cancelled

About this event

The Brigg Bomber is organised by members of LincsQuad (Lincolnshire Quadrathlon Club) and consists of a 1.5k river swim, 38k bike, 7k kayak & 10k run.

For 2020 the World Quadrathlon Federation (WQF) has awarded LincsQuad the Middle Distance European Championships which will form part of the WQF World Cup series.  The club is once again proud to have been chosen to host an international event on behalf of the WQF and is looking forward to welcoming athletes from across the world.

Previously the Brigg Bomber has hosted the British Quadrathlon Championships, the European Quadrathlon Championships, World Cup rounds and the 2014 & 2019 World Championships. Now is your chance to race the world championship course.


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