In 2022 there are 10 separate legs. Each runner runs one leg only.
There are 2 team categories: Mixed and Mixed Vets. Each team must have a minimum of 2 ladies. Each member of the vets team must be over 40.
There will be no special route markings for the event. Runners will have to rely on existing national trail and footpath signs. Not all sections are well signed and it is the responsibility of the runner to follow the correct course, so a recce of the leg is advised. The two sections of the race route that deviate from the National Trails are not marked or signed so the runner must familiarize themselves of the route before hand, however these deviations do follow trails and paths that are easy to follow.
There will be random checkpoints on the course with marshals taking numbers - any team not appearing at these random checkpoints will be allocated the 'maximum time' for that leg.
The runners on each leg start off at the same time.
The winning team is that with the shortest accumulated time for the whole route of 10 legs.
There are no water stations - each team/individual must be self sufficient. There are many places for the team to support their runners on each leg. There will be water and feed stations at the end of each leg for solo runners attempting the 'ultra'.
All legs have road crossings at some point - it is the responsibility of each runner to negotiate these in a safe manner. No road crossing will be manned.
The route follows (mostly) National Trails, so runners need to be aware of the need to be polite and courteous to other users. Clearly, relay runners do not have priority over others. Also, please take care when parking at both the start/finish points and places you wish to support your runners. The viability of the event in the future may be determined by our 'good behaviour' in the first year.
There will be time keepers at the start and finish of each leg. Each runner must 'check in' at the start so that the time keeper knows who is there (this is for your safety). A 'briefing' will be given just before the start. Likewise, if you are unable to complete your leg for some reason then please make sure you or another team member lets us know at the end or start of another leg.
So that each time keeping team can get to their next timing point, a cut off time will be set for each leg. Any team member not arriving before the cut off time (and after the timing team have left the finish) will be given the 'maximum time' for the leg (see table). In addition, any team that does not have a team member for a particular leg will incur the 'maximum time' plus a further ten minutes for that leg.
Timing will be by chip timing. Each runner will wear a race number with chip on the reverse.
Prize giving will be at Chepstow Leisure Centre. The winning team will be awarded a 'perpetual' trophy which must be returned for the next year.
The whole route above shows 2 changes we are making to the original route. Route changes are shown in red. In addition, leg 6 will finish at Gumbersland Barn as it did last year (and not Bigsweir Bridge).
Reasons for the changes: the Wysis Way from Speculation towards Edge End has been taken over by the mountain bike trails and navigation along it in this area is next to impossible; the proposed crossing of the Wye at Symonds Yat is likely to be problematic on a weekend day in the middle of the summer. These changes have been made to the route descriptions for each leg. The road section down to Bigsweir bridge is potentially hazardous, so we will finish at Gumbersland Barn where the trail hits the road. Maps: OS OpenSpace Developer Agreement
The maps on this webpage have been sourced via the OS OpenSpace API, which enables us to display quality Ordnance Survey maps (with optional boundaries) in this web application and overlay our data on them.
These maps are indicative only - you will need to source accurate maps for navigating whilst on the route.
Footpath Maps ( are free online Ordnance Survey maps showing UK public footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways and other rights of way; for walking, cycling, and outdoor activities. You can go there yourself and download the relevant part of the route you require and at the scale you need - however you may find later in the day that the download threshold has been exceeded.
Runners will have to rely on existing national trail and footpath signs (Legs 1,2 on the Gloucestershire Way get little use and can be overgrown in the summer. Leg 5 on the Wysis Way is also little used. A recce of these legs is essential).
For those that struggle with map reading, there will be descriptions of each (these descriptions are intended for recce use only).
We have ample car parking for all participants and supporters at the end/start of each leg. - please use these and do not park in an adhoc manner as this puts the event in jeopardy. We have chip timing for each leg - so each runner will wear a race number and chip. In addition to trophies being awarded to each team, each winning team member will receive a special winners medal and each male and female leg winner will receive a prize.
Entry for 2022 is £100 per team and £62.50 for individual 'ultra' runners completing the whole route solo.
Team members do not need to be from the same running club or even members of a running club.
Date: Sun 14th August
Distance for 2021: 75 kms
Height gain for 2021: 1112m
Start: Chepstow Castle
Finish: Chepstow Leisure Centre
10 legs
National Trails: Gloucestershire Way, Wysis Way, Offas #CENSOR#, Wye Valley Walk
Chepstow Castle, Chepstow, UK
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