DeerStalker - 2018
DeerStalker - 2018

Legend tells of a cult running event deep in the Scottish Borders whose distance is a closely guarded secret, only beknownst to the Laird, his Ghillies and anyone with a GPS watch.

This is probably the hardest off-road-Tweed-clad-pipe-lit-plus-four-and-headtorch-wearing run that exists. We send you across rivers, through forests and over a mountain or 2 in the pitch dark of a chilly March night. Choose to go Half ‘Stalker or for those who have the true minerals, take on the Full ‘Stalker. You can even start with the intention to go Full and bail out on to the Half if you crumble.

Once the race is over, it’s time for the infamous Mighty Beerstalker Party in our huge heated tent; with grub, Wainwright Golden Beer, bands and the trademark crowdsurfing ‘til late into the night. Party access is included with every race entry and you can roll out of the bar straight into our amazing camp-site under the stars. Get a free pint and a bacon roll the morning after the night before when you buy a camping ticket.

DeerStalker - 2018 DeerStalker - 2018
DeerStalker - 2018
DeerStalker - 2018

About this event

Legend tells of a cult running event deep in the Scottish Borders whose distance is a closely guarded secret, only beknownst to the Laird, his Ghillies and anyone with a GPS watch.

This is probably the hardest off-road-Tweed-clad-pipe-lit-plus-four-and-headtorch-wearing run that exists. We send you across rivers, through forests and over a mountain or 2 in the pitch dark of a chilly March night. Choose to go Half ‘Stalker or for those who have the true minerals, take on the Full ‘Stalker. You can even start with the intention to go Full and bail out on to the Half if you crumble.

Once the race is over, it’s time for the infamous Mighty Beerstalker Party in our huge heated tent; with grub, Wainwright Golden Beer, bands and the trademark crowdsurfing ‘til late into the night. Party access is included with every race entry and you can roll out of the bar straight into our amazing camp-site under the stars. Get a free pint and a bacon roll the morning after the night before when you buy a camping ticket.


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    Lincolnshire, United Kingdom